Month: May 2012

  • CrossFit: Quick and Dirty WOD

    It was a quick and dirty workout this AM.  And I will be coaching the 6A class tomorrow so it will be considered my rest day — WarmUp 5m Double Under practice Mobility/Stretching Skill KB Swings WOD 5 Rounds: 20 KB Swings (1 pood) 10 Jumping Lunges (total, i.e. 5 each leg) 5:27m Post WOD…

  • The Amanda Miller Memorial WOD

    As a person who has seen first hand what cancer can do to someone you love and to the people around them, I am uber sensitive to fundraisers and other events that help to raise more awareness of cancer causes but even more so about bringing to light the amazing people cancer has taken from…

  • Bacon Flowchart

    Refer to this flowchart next time you are faced with a Bacon decision and are unsure of what to do…

  • Be Active In Your Food Choices

    Yesterday at work – we celebrated fellow employee birthdays for the month of May. Normally they have cake or cupcakes and I show up, give my happy birthday wishes and that’s it. But yesterday, they had Carvel Ice Cream cake. For those that know me well – they know that is my all time favorite…

  • Exercise Is the Key: Use it or Lose It

    There are so many benefits to getting regular exercise — you feel better, you look better, it can help prevent many, many diseases and maladies that plague so many people.  There is also a ton of research out there suggesting that it can help prevent Alzheimer’s. Preventing Alzheimer’s: Exercise still best bet Mounting evidence suggests…

  • Burpee Workout

    Today’s workout was a bit different — we worked on some skills before doing a 10m met con — Warmup 10m Double Under Practice Skill Roman Deadlifts Hamstring Stretching WOD Tabata KTE the score was your lowest reps — 3 10m AMRAP 5 Deadlifts 123# 7 Burpees Total: 9+2

  • What is your INTENTION?

    In this world, there’s always going to be people who are better then you, so stop comparing yourself to others, and just be the best you can be. How true this quote is. We all have met the person who is first in line to point out a mistake or misstep someone took — but…