living fit and healthy brings inspiration

i love the people i workout with in the morning. i missed them so much and have so much fun with them each and every morning. it’s nice to be missed and told how quiet it was without you. i take that as a compliment – i bring my energy and passion for what i do with me wherever i go. it’s important and it helps others stick with it. i know it does – i have seen it happen.

below is an email we got at crossfit impavidus from our 2nd place winner of the whole life challenge. she has lost over 20+ during the 8 week challenge and has a brand new outlook on life. this is the stuff that you can’t buy to help inspire you and push you to go further. this is the stuff that keeps me going. this and meeting amazing people who teach me each and every day about life and living it.

want to see pics of my brother’s wedding and fun we had in san fran? here’s a collection of photos

 I spent the last five years slaving away at LA fitness, striving to reach goals that seemed unreachable. The first year I joined weight watchers, worked out and lost 50 lbs. Thank goodness I was able to keep it off, but in order to do so I had to spend hours at the gym several days a week. My weight loss plateaued and I was frustrated….but comfortable in my routine. When Danny joined crossfit I was all ” no no it’s not my thing…I love my spinning classes, I lift weights during body works…etc” Boy was I wrong!! It is SOOOO my thing. I have loved every work out and can’t wait to get stronger. 23 lbs is just an added bonus!! Thank you for the opportunity!! I welcome you to continue with the regular ass kickings!!! 

i put this pic up of me and my mom. how great does my mom look? 5 kids, owns her own business and looks amazing! I hope i inherited her youthful genes! i am going to work hard to make sure that i look my best which is half the battle.

50 sing jumps
dynamic stretching
squat therapy
band pnf stretching

Three rounds for time of:

  • 50 Double-unders (150 singles)
  • 50 Squats

10:12 did as many dus as possible before switching to singles.

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