Month: July 2012

  • Take Care of Your Wrists in CrossFit

    My wrists have been fatigued and sore. We have some front squats and push ups recently and I think it has led to a bit of strain on those wrists. I don’t do nearly enough mobility and I type all day long at my computer — so I read some good advice about taking care…

  • Drink Some More!

    As promised here are the pics from yesterday’s Flash WOD at Reston Town Center. Scott came and took a bunch of photos of our box. It’s like we have our own private photographer for events. And as you can tell – we have the most fun together. It’s one of the best things about our…

  • Get It Done!

    Love this: I have often heard discussed, that when it is time to go, you don’t remember your life in months or years, but instead you remember only moment’s, evens magical seconds, the snap shots and stills that have set the scenes of your life. So lovely people, who ride along side, make sure you are creating…