It’s All Good

Today was all about the cartwheel — Guess who was the coach? Coach Jerry! There is this one guy who shows up regularly who just will NOT partake in any sort of gymnastics/going upside down exercise. He just wont do it. He literally walks away, no explanation, nothing. I personally think its because he gets embarrassed and just can’t let go of being self conscious. I love that CrossFit doesn’t have mirrors and I love that we are all in this together — we all do the handstands, we all do the cartwheels or what looks like cartwheels, hell some of us even do donkey kicks until we get a cartwheel. And IT’S ALL GOOD. ALL OK!

When you have someone like this guy mixed in the group, we all tend to get quickly annoyed with him and his lack of even trying to be open. Why bother coming? He wont be making much progress in general. I don’t get it and he becomes almost invisible. Seriously, I just don’t get why he comes if he doesnt want to be coached and make measurable progress. I guess it’s not up to me to get —

Front squats were on the menu today and to be honest, they aren’t my favorite lift but not every lift can be.

800m jog

Front squat


  • Front Squats 65#
  • Ring Dips (with band)

time: 5:16
