Seeing Crystal Clearly

It must be the spring weather and the extra sunlight but I am feeling better and more optimistic —and seeing things clearer. Or at least that’s how I feel today.  And I am feeling more empowered to take charge and control of certain aspects of my life that are out of whack. I feel good things coming my way very soon. It just feels right and that it’s my time to finally shine professionally. I am so hungry for growth in my professional life right now –and have been feeling stagnant. The past week –some great, no nonsense signs have presented themselves to me and I have seen them — crystal clearly and feel empowered by them. If you jump, a net will appear… 

I haven’t posted much cancer-related news lately – unintentionally. I came across this interesting piece yesterday:

The Tricky Business of Diagnosing Young Adult Cancer

I consider anyone under the age of 40 to be a young adult in the cancer world — and know that Scott was misdiagnosed a few times. What doctors do is they go by statistics — age, risk factors, family history to assess the symptoms. Why would a 37 year old male with on family history of colon cancer have colon cancer?  Statistics would say he wouldn’t so it must not be that. I am so thankful that we pushed harder –but we could have caught it even earlier had we known.  Visit for more info on young adult cancer and support.

Our Rigwarmup
800m jog

Burgener warmup

Snatch balance


Snatch Balance
45, 65, 75, 85, 95 (failed)
