Stop and See!


I have been buying flowers the past few weeks –to brighten up the house and also to help brighten up the family. I think even if you aren’t depressed or feeling low, staying connected to beauty, nature and wonder is key in staying centered and at peace. It’s all a part of self care –continuing to take care of yourself and making you and your family the priority! And come on–flowers are cheap therapy!

Personally I buy flowers weekly during my grocery shopping..relatively inexpensive way to brighten up your house and your mood! And I also stop and notice flowers and nature around me.

The world is a really pretty place if we stop and pay attention!

I so needed to read this article:  Fighting the “Mehs” – When Taking Some Time Off Is Good

I often lose sight of how I am really feeling inside because my fitness routine is so ingrained and so much a part of who I am. I miss being at the gym when I am not there and I know that people look to me to help spur their own journey to getting fit and healthy. The reality is that sometimes I do experience burn out and need time off.

And just like Dizzle says —  it’s good to step away, get some real rest and get re-energized and pumped about heading back in. I have noticed that I havent made huge gains in certain areas and quite frankly am not too pumped about even trying. That’s when I know there is an issue.

The one thing I have been pumped about is running –getting to figure out my damn running form. I saw a bunch of pics from my 200 mile relay this weekend and man — I don’t lean. Don’t get how to lean even when I think I am leaning. I am straight up and down. Proof is in the pictures. Now some of that was due to sheer exhaustion but man — I am fired up to figure it out.  So I am going to either take a few solid days off or de-load and just focus on form for the next few weeks to refuel my inspiration tank so I can feel pumped up again!

I need a vacation –

600m jog
Burgener Warmup


1 Hang Snatch
2 HS

all the way to 11. (I went to 8 until I ran out of time and stuck with a 53# to work on Snatch form)


2 responses to “Stop and See!”

  1. So true! I think especially when we focus too much on one aspect of training — speed, weight, distance — for too long, we can get really burnt out. Changing it up is almost always the answer. Being a good role model doesn’t mean being perfect all the time, but teaching others how to deal with their own imperfections. Keep up the great blog!