It’s official — I have switched CrossFit gyms. I am now at HighBar CrossFit in Ashburn. They have a bit different strength training and WOD philosophy and I have been working there for the last two weeks. They use an approach called Greasing the Groove or synaptic facilitation.
Specificity + Frequent Practice = Success.
Contrary to the belief of most Western bodybuilders, who believe strength comes purely from larger muscles, the Russian philosophy is that in addition to strength being somewhat correlated to muscle size, strength is also a skill.
Like with any other skill, the ‘skill of strength’ should be practiced, because as we all know, practice makes perfect.
So instead of lifting to failure, you lift to a certain % — The sets are not done to failure — you stick to 50-80% and add 5# each week if you can. There is definitely something about not lifting to failure that mentally helps me feel like I can do it. I’m excited to see how this new lifting approach translates into progress. I will keep you posted!
Someone yesterday told me they thought I was acting like a victim, so I did what any social media person does — I googled what that means:
Don’t blame other people and circumstances if you don’t have the kind of life you think you deserve. Blaming serves only one purpose — making you feel like a victim. And a victim doesn’t have power over her own life. Someone with a victim mentality thinks life happens to her; she remains helpless. She’s not involved in creating her own experience. She looks at her circumstances and asks, “Why me?” She’ll blame her situation — not having enough money, a dead- end job, an unsupportive spouse, or the demands of children — and use it as her excuse for not pursuing her dreams.
Victims let circumstances determine how they feel. When something happens, their attitude is, “It’s their fault,” “They did this to me,” “I’m going to get them for this!” Well, stop whining and feeling sorry for yourself! When you complain and wallow in self-pity, your focus is on what’s wrong with your life. Think instead about what’s good about your life right now and start living in gratitude for all you have been blessed with! Focus on the positive — not the negative!!
After reading about being a victim, I disagree with the diagnosis of me being a victim. I have no issue owning my decisions — right or wrong. I also have no issue apologizing when I believe I am wrong. Do I share my thoughts in my blog? Yes, yes I do. Sometimes, as I am working through situations, the victim voice does appear. I take responsibility for the role I play and where I am today. I am not a perfect person –and trying to improve with every mistake and decision I make. What’s the difference between being a victim and not agreeing with the decisions others make or the reaction of others towards a situation? I do not have to agree with it but I can make the best of it –and not wallow in it. It is time to move on — learn from past experiences – good or bad. Inherently, we all want to be good people and do the right thing I think – however we don’t all come from the same perspective, so how we see situations and process things is what can cause issues.
I am officially re-focusing my efforts on being fit and healthy mentally and physically. Getting rid of the drama that has been weighing me down, moving forward towards a much healthier, happier place. My family and friends mean the world to me and I want to be the kind of person they want to be around and not someone wrapped up in someone else’s dream.