Always a Surprise Around the Corner

So much to my surprise this AM, I was on TV! A crew from the local channel 9 WUSA TV came to film some info about CrossFit at the new box I joined: Highbar Crossfit and because it was my normal workout time, I was part of the filming in the background! You never know what is going to happen at a box from day to day – it’s the element of surprise that is found in life.

Here’s the clip:

Last night, I threw routine to the wind and we took the kids out to see Superman at the Alamo Theater –where I had gluten free pizza and then after a trip to Dairy Queen. Yeah, I was living large and am paying for it this morning too but sometimes you have to just say screw it — I had read this story about a local boy who died in a freak accident from electrocution. My heart hurts for the family. It’s another reminder of how life can change in an instant so cherish the ones you love and the moments you get.

I love the information in this post: Eight thoughts on what to eat daily

  1. Although taking a multivitamin every day can help you get the vitamins and minerals your enzymes need to function properly, you can’t beat eating real food.
  2. A great way to get your micronutrients is to have a humongous, colorful salad for lunch.
  3. Salads are also a great way to get some extra fat in. Olive oil and vinegar is a common dressing choice, but don’t be afraid to throw in some seasonings and herbs like paprika and cilantro.
  4. Making sure you have a kitchen stocked with nutritious, whole foods is one of the best ways to make sure that when you’re hungry, you don’t make bad decisions and go for convenience/junk foods.
  5. There’s a big difference between binging on a slow-cooked, bone-in roast and eating a whole bag of Doritos. Real food will satisfy you whereas junk food will typically make you hungrier; don’t be afraid to eat when you’re hungry!
  6. Don’t force yourself to eat breakfast if you’re not hungry in the morning. Listen to your body, and break your fast with quality nutrition rather than processed foods!
  7. Cravings for junk food and relying upon poor food choices to fuel your body can lean to negative body composition changes as well psychological hang-ups that reinforce the bad eating behavior.
  8. Satisfy your nutritional requirements first, and then consider satisfying your taste buds.


200m jog
10 Squats
10 push ups
4 Sampson Stretch
4 Instep lunges
10 Squats

3 Rounds
1 min

2 min
Double Unders/Jump Rope

3 min
5 Kipping Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

2 min

I didn’t keep track of my reps — just decided to focus on working hard and my intensity for the rounds.

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