Month: July 2013

  • Focus, Focus, Focus!

    I have got to focus — the last week or so I have totally been like, oh I can eat that <crap food>. Once in a while won’t hurt me. However, that once in a while has turned into more than I would like and I am starting to see and feel the effects from…

  • How Do You Want Your Kids To See Their World?

    There ain’t no rest for the wicked…even on a holiday, so up I got and headed in for my usual 6A workout. I thought I would be the only one there – but nope, there were three others! Yay but the workout was a tough one, so boo! So, let’s post the workout details so…

  • Focus on the Work

    I come across quite a few posts dealing with body image the past week or so – all trying to combat the myth around the number of the scale dictating how fit you are and how this idea of the perfect body is a myth. The Dirty Little Secret of the Female Athlete: Cellulite Stop…

  • Intention matters!

    Probably like 11 years ago, when I was home on maternity leave with Hannah I watched this daytime reality show called Starting Over. Anyone out there remember it? Six women live together for 10 weeks as they try to make significant personal changes with the help of `life coaches’ and other experts.  The women all…

  • Progress means Changing

    Yesterday morning, I tried some Hot Yoga for Beginners at Flow Yoga in Ashburn. It was challenging for sure, but not as hard as I thought it would be. All that mobility that I do – day in and out – seems to work. I definitely need to work on flexibility and mobility though so…