Everywhere There are Signs

Y1148879_10152379774907080_11405782_nou know how you see signs to make changes all around you, and you acknowledge the signs, but you try to ignore them, or find excuses or reasons why it’s not the right time? Yeah, well that has been happening to me for the past year or so, and I have been purposely ignoring it. I don’t have an issue acknowledging signs, but I think fear of what sort of change needs to happen holds me back. So – I go along and try to act like nothing is happening, all is well –until it can’t be ignored. And the sign is smacking me every day in the face, gaining strength and intensity with each hit.

That’s what I have been dealing with the past week – the hardest smack yet came to me Monday and it knocked me down good. I can’t go into details about it, but it’s career related, not my home-life. I needed a few days to assess and process the situation, but like the fighter I am, it may have knocked me down, but I am getting back up and ready to act.

Growth is something that should happen to us all, but in order to grow, you have to be comfortable with change and the unknown. This is the aspect of the process I am afraid of – the what’s next and the what if’s hold me back or cause me a ton of anxiety.

Kids are really observant and many times, they are able to see things in a clearer way. HB saw that I was upset the other day and said –

“Mom, remember how you weren’t happy at your gym and things happened and you went to a new gym. And now you are happier? That was change and the unknown and it worked out great. Remember that.”

I can always count on her to be my biggest cheerleader and say the right things to help me re-focus and pick myself up.

Yesterday, we did Fran. And it was brutal – My time was 8:12 Rx.

Today, we worked on our first position for the clean.  Coach Dan recorded me as I worked it through and it really helped me see what I need to work on. Then, we did the WOD. B R U T A L!!!

2 KB Swings
2 Ring Push ups
4 KB Swings
4 Ring Push ups
6 KB Swings
6 KB Swings
-continue to add 2 reps until time runs out.

total: 16+26 reps


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