Kindness Can Change The World

KindnessIn an effort to help spread the good spirit of giving back, I want to highlight acts of kindness witnessed around the world. As I find them, I will post them. The more attention we give to the good in the world, the more common I hope it becomes in everyone’s daily life.

Mr Barton had just picked up 20 high school students on the afternoon of Friday October 18 and was driving over a bridge when he spotted a woman standing along the railing on an overpass, leaning over the traffic below. He saw someone in need and didn’t think twice about helping.  He stayed with her until help arrived. When he returned to the bus to finish his route, his passengers gave him a round of applause.

We are so busy and rushed in our lives. I wonder how many people would actually stop and help someone in serious need of support and care like Darnell Barton did. I’d like to think I would.

A young autistic man who has played football with the same group of kids for years, was put in during the final game of the season as the team quarterback. He scored his first touchdown and will remember that moment forever. The team had coordinated with the opposing team to give him that moment.

What a great moment for the boy, Zachary, but also for the entire group of young men.  Teaching our children compassion and kindness is one of the most important tasks of our parenting career and it’s moments like this when you see the fruits of all those years of lessons.