Let Things Happen

doubt I had lunch with a friend yesterday that I haven’t seen in almost a year and it really helped me recharge. Sometimes you don’t realize you miss someone until you spend time with them again. Sara left the company I worked at up until recently back in February – for many of the same reasons I was unhappy. She took the plunge and just left. Decided to take a risk and jump –and guess what? A Net appeared. It wasn’t necessarily the net she envisioned but part of the reasons she did it was to make some changes in her life. Since February, she learned to relax  – not be dictated by a schedule or the clock. Routine free – Freedom.  She told me how hard it was for her to embrace this type of freedom at first. Goes to show you even learning to relax and go with the flow is like anything else, it takes practice.

I was really inspired by her yesterday. She has always been a big supporter of me, many times believing in me more than I thought I deserved. And she completely understood where I am mentally right now. Learning how to live this new life career wise without fear. Letting things happen – seeing where the path takes me. I have always lived a life of routine and structure. It is my safe place and now that I don’t have it – it’s so uncomfortable for me. Learning how to be comfortable being uncomfortable is key.

We spent a lot of time yesterday talking about the difficult people we have had to deal with lately and how well or not well we have fared.  She said a few things that really resonated with me – that may not make sense to others as I share it but it sure did connect some things for me:

Part of the issue with my last job, I didn’t deal with certain difficult people well and just because I don’t have to deal with them anymore, doesn’t mean that I am done learning whatever lesson they were meant to teach me. Whatever that personality type is, I will run into it again because I haven’t really finished learning the lesson that they were there to teach me.  Sounds very ‘out there’ I know, but I do definitely believe that people are put into our lives for reasons.  And I definitely need to work on hiding some of my emotions when I am in a professional work situation and learn to accept that not everyone cares as deeply as I do about the work they do.  That’s one of the toughest things I have had to understand. Some people are really OK with 80% being good enough. Crazy but true!

I think everyone should reach out to someone they haven’t talked to in a while – it’s amazing how re-energizing it can be!

Today’s workout was 5×5 pull ups and then we did 125 Wall Balls as our met-con. If you stopped at all, you had to do three burpees! It was definitely not one of my favorite workouts.  But I got through it and now it’s time for a rest day tomorrow, and lots of good food!

Recommended Reading

Kindness Matters

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