Go Get It in the Third Quarter

Lots of Dumbbells at HighbarScott had to be at work super early this AM, so I decided to switch things up and go to a later morning class at Highbar CrossFit.  It was me and three others and a ton of fun.  I was raring to go after it was over!

I watched the first show of the new Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and Will Smith was on. Something he said really has stuck with me. He was talking about how people are living longer and longer. He said “90 is a real thing” – and he just turned 45 and decided to jump out of a plane. His thinking is that he’s entering the second half of his life and he doesn’t want to go down without a fight. So why not LIVE! I loved that thinking — he’s right too. People are living longer and longer and we have to not lose the fight inside ourselves just because we are hitting middle age.  It’s one of the reasons I do CrossFit – I love that every day I go in, I am asked to do something challenging and bad ass. I also don’t want to be 60 and immobile and unhealthy. The stuff we do now to take care of ourselves will pay off when it counts, because whether we want to admit it or not, we are all getting older.

Smith also spoke on turning 45-years-old in September and choosing to take advantage of that milestone in his life rather than take a break to relax. He attributed his recent skydiving trip in Dubai to that particular mentality.

“I’m 45 right now. Right? And with the state of modern medicine—90, we’re all probably gonna hit 90,” he said. “90’s like a real thing now…So, I was thinking ‘This is halftime.’ Right? So, when you come out for the third quarter, in any sporting event the third quarter’s an important quarter. That’s not the time when you start relaxing and you start chilling. You gotta go get it in the third quarter.””

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We are perfectly imperfect


  • 3 sets of push ups
  • 1 set of pull ups
  • Practice Cleans

6 Rounds

  • 1p Wall Balls
  • KB Swings
  • backwards lunges




