A Strong Strength Foundation

Not only can I already feel how Yoga is helping with some mobility issues, it’s also helping me learn to quiet my mind. At the end of every class, we do a short meditation and I always wish it was longer. I just start to feel relaxed – my muscles are loose, i love how completely spent I feel and we lay down silent – the room is dim, the ambient sounds are relaxing and after a minute or so, I can feel my mind just start to settle and just when I am at that relaxing spot – it’s time to reawaken and class is over. I am sure I can take a class where it’s a combo, but I do like the hard work required during the class.  It’s funny how I am starting to really enjoy it — four classes in.

The instructor last night came up to me to ask if I was new. Apparently it was abundantly obvious – ha! She said she could tell I was strong and that coming into Yoga with an already established strength foundation will serve me well. She mentioned that it’s more challenging for someone who may be more flexible but doesn’t have the strength – so I have that going for me!

I do have to say – four classes in and I really do feel a difference overall and seeing some progress with how I am handling the Highbar CrossFit workouts. I am still babying my shoulders though – I  don’t want to be the type of person that goes all out to the long term detriment of my body. It’s not worth it to me.

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Be Inspired

Do something that brings you closer to your goals


Push ups/Pull ups
85% Deadlifts
5 Rounds

  • 40m shuttle
  • 3 DB Power Cleans
  • 4 DB Hang Clean Squat Press
  • 3/side DB Lunges



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