Are You Suffering from Fitness Burn Out?

Funny timing with my post yesterday for Nate Dogg’s birthday and raising him and the New York Times having a piece entitled: A link Between Fidgety Boys and a Sputtering Economy. Almost like it was written with him in mind…

For some reason, I came home from San Francisco feeling antsy and feeling like I needed to change up my workout routine a bit. I know I need to do more cardio to lose the pounds I have put on — and while I realize the benefit of strength and conditioning training, I also realize that I need to branch out because I am feeling burnt out. Burn out and my shoulder impingement have forced me to mix up my fitness program. It’s good to be forced to work on other stuff for a while – I have been going to CF two/three times a week and then doing yoga and/or cycling the other days. And will be starting to run more and have signed up for another 5K race Mid-May.  I am finding the Yoga and Cycling challenging in different ways and I hope it helps me get over this burned out feeling. It’s tough to head in for a workout and have no mojo to do it whatsover – even though you know you love it and you need it to feel great the rest of the day.

Here’s a quick refresher on signs of overtraining and burn out:

Overtraining Symptoms

Read This

Be Inspired

Dream is Free But the Hustle Is Sold Separately

Watch This

Watch: The White House’s New Sexual Assault PSA Starring Daniel Craig and Benicio Del Toro 


Power Cleans

  • 1P Wall Balls
  • Renegade Rows
  • 90 sec rest —
  • KB Swings
  • Slam balls (my shoulder started to bother me, so I switched to burpees)

Then, crazy me decided to do more…

  • 20+ miles CycleLuv class