
Communicate.I am on a quest to renew my inspiration and motivation for lots of facets of my life -especially my fitness plan. So far, Boxing has been the most fun and I can already see the effects of the heavy cardio and I am leaning out. After class today, I went and did some back squats as an add on since I want to focus on getting my posture in order. When I took the Olympic Lifting clinic with Bob Takano, he suggested I work on lots of back squats to help. I figured that and yoga – I will be on the road to improving.

With this change in scenery, I am also starting to reflect on what I can improve upon. I seem to have an issue with overall communication. A few of my friends disagree but I think it’s because they ‘get me’.  I find that many people I come into contact with lately are sensitive – they are unable to dig deeper and see the real meaning underneath what may or may not be said. When someone says something to me that may not be what I want to hear or just irks me – the first thing I do is stop and think about it and try to apply intentions to what was said. I find that a lot of people don’t do that. My friend Omar suggested that it may be because I am around a lot of young people — like 20 years younger than I am — and they have not yet experienced different types of relationships and forms of communication. I am trying very hard to take this into consideration when situations arise, but I gotta tell you -it’s hard.  Why do people not talk to each other anymore? It’s so darn frustrating…

One of the things I realized I was missing was the connection to CrossFit in general.  Because each CrossFit is individually owned and is not a franchise, each one is run a bit differently. Highbar is very much a strength and conditioning gym and tended to steer away from a lot of CrossFit staples -like CF benchmark workouts, the CF Open, much of the CF lingo. What I realized a year into being there was I missed some of the fun and excitement that created. When you do a benchmark WOD like one of the ‘girls’, you know you are doing a workout that people around the world have done. It synchronizes us all –and I liked that. I do think some of CF workouts are problematic, but there are some that live up to the snuff. I want to reconnect with the CrossFit community overall and find that excitement again.

I am also going to make an effort to reconnect with some friends – beyond texting and facebook. To actually go out and spend time with them. I made plans for this evening to finally get over to one of my dear friend’s new place and we will just hang out and talk. That’s my kind of evening…

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Curiousity is the Spark behind the spark


TItle Boxing Club: Power Boxing 1 hour
Back squats