Aparigraha: What Are You Holding On To Today?

My yoga instructor Tori continued the theme of Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness) in yesterday’s class. According to wiki, Aparigraha “is the concept of non-possessiveness or non-greediness. The term usually means to limit possessions to what is necessary or important, which changes with the time period.”

I am getting a lot out of this theme personally. I have needed to de-clutter my house as well some long held beliefs and resentments that are not doing me any good at this point in my life. It’s not easy to just let go – it takes time to work through whatever caused you to hold on to it in the first place. I need to find time to go through all the closets in my house and get rid of clothes that don’t fit or that I don’t wear anymore. My closets are overflowing with unworn clothes that will probably never see the light of day, so why am I holding on to them? (rhetorical question of course!)


We all have things and beliefs in our lives that have been around for far too long. A sweater that you loved 10 years ago? A perception of who you are and why you can’t just drop everything and let loose… Things we hold on to in our life that may or may not serve us anymore. How often do we take a look at all “stuff” and clean house?

Think about de-cluttering or spring cleaning – it helps us feel more open to fresh ideas and refreshed and renewed – at least I know that’s how I feel!  Tori suggested wearing our beliefs like loose clothing – where you aren’t constricted or constrained by them. You have the freedom to move, shift and let go of things that are holding us back. 

Aparigraha By embracing the idea of Aparigraha, we can start to understand how our stuff controls us. We all want to live comfortably, but when you start to hold on to things (ie hoard) and/or obsess over what you have/don’t have, it starts to take control. This is also true when it comes to our opinions, habits and perceptions. We all need to regularly look over both the physical and internal stuff we are holding on to and get rid of the junk!

7 Ways to Practice Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness)

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