This was written by my husband last year on 9/11:
I Remember…
Whenever I see the numbers 9 and 11, I remember.
Whenever I fly and go through airport security, I remember.
Whenever I drive past the Pentagon, I remember.
Whenever I see the New York City skyline, I remember.
Whenever someone says “Let’s Roll”, I remember.
Whenever I see the letters F.D.N.Y. or N.Y.P.D., I remember.
Whenever I see Giuliani, or hear his name, I remember.
Whenever I see an American flag at half staff, I remember.
Whenever the Department of Homeland Security is mentioned, I remember.
Whenever I hear about a U.S. soldier being killed in action, I remember.
I remember seeing my yet to be born daughter for the first time via sonogram, and how happy I was. I remember the confusion going on in the doctor’s office as we were leaving, but not understanding why.
I remember my boss calling me as I drove to work late, and her telling me to turn around because they were evacuating the campus.
I remember being glued to the television, when the second plane hit the south tower, and I remember watching the footage over and over again until it was permanently etched into my brain.
I remember people hanging out the windows, and then falling/jumping to escape the fire.
I remember the shock of watching the south tower collapse.
I remember “All circuits are busy” when trying to use the phone.
I remember hearing false information about the Pentagon, and the White House.
I remember being scared and helpless when the north tower collapsed.
I remember footage of thousands of people walking out of the city, covered in grey ash.
I remember newscasters switching from talking about and showing the horror, to honoring and showing the heroes.
I remember reading the scroll at the bottom of the screen for hours and days.
I remember breaking down and sobbing in the middle of the night as I thought about all of those lives lost.
I remember mobile surface to air missile launchers deployed around Washington D.C.
I remember David Letterman, coming back on the air and not telling any jokes.
I remember New York City tourism grinding to a halt, and making it a point to show my support by visiting.
I remember seeing the gaping hole where the Twin Towers stood from the top of the Empire State Building, and the site still smoldering over a month after 9/11.
I remember walking all over the city with my pregnant wife, and having a great time.
I remember Shock and Awe.
I remember ignorant people saying horrible things about Muslims.
I remember having a great sense of Patriotism, and being thankful for the brave men and women who serve in our military.
I remember crazy conspiracy theories.
I remember President Bush standing on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln with a banner that read “Mission Accomplished” in 2003.
I remember the U.S. soldiers that were killed in action.
I remember having a conversation with a young coworker about where we were when the planes hit, and he replied in middle school – I remember I am getting older.
I remember how precious life is, and how much I love my family and friends.
I remember that the world was forever changed.
You are damn right I remember……..everyday.