Maybe It’s Just Not Working

Do Anything - Walt Whitman QuoteA friend of mine sent me an article about Feeling Burnt out about CrossFit and how to find the joy again. What I found interesting was that it didn’t mention actually taking a step away from CrossFit for an extended amount of time, which is what I am doing. I’ve also been doing some reading about how many veteran CrossFitters are burning out and many CF gyms don’t know how to address the needs of this group. Yesterday, Kaylee Suitors on one of the CF boards I visit shared a post that I think is a worthwhile read, however I think it ignores one big issue: Would what she is proposing convince me or do enough for me to want to continue to pay a monthly membership fee? I’m not sure there is an answer that is right and it depends on the person but at the end of the day, each individual needs to figure out what works for them. If a workout or fitness program is not working,  you are not seeing results, you aren’t having fun, or you are getting injured regularly, then it’s not working – period. You have to find something you enjoy doing or it’s not sustainable. And living healthy is a life long effort…

How to be Awesome at CrossFit”

You may think that this is an article about cycling butterfly pull ups or getting a One rep max on your Snatch…. Buuuut No!

Recently I have been spending a lot of time thinking about my veteran athletes and what I can do to prevent them from burn out. Many are 3-5 years in and I can see on their faces that its just not the same as it was when they started. No more huge PR, no more crazy gymnastic movements that they never thought they would do past child hood. And, oh, that group of friends that would always WOD together in the beginning have been replaced with a bunch of new bees that are having a blast.

So, as a coach with general concern for each and every athlete in my box, I want this fixed!!! I racked my brain to think of special programs just for them, open gyms that cater to the time frame their schedules need, creating social gathering to make it feel like the “old” days, hour long heart to hearts to just chew the fat and make sure, in all this craziness of running a CF gym, I do not loose touch with those original members that birthed our box. I truly love these guys and want them to be happy, but in trying so hard to make them happy, I am going nuts!

I came to the realization today while talking to a friend. My really Awesome CrossFitters have completed the “cycle”. And what is the cycle you may ask? It’s simple. Come to CrossFit, it will make you awesome at life. It will tear you down shred you up and pour you out a whole new person. A better person…. If you let it.

I look at many of my veterans and think “you are almost there, you are almost Awesome, but not yet” You see CrossFit is about you and your growth through the cycle. People come in the door looking for a life change. “It’s really hard, we tell them and you better be ready, so don’t waste our time and we won’t waste yours”.

The first year is huge for most members. Weight loss, strength gains, Personal records, first competitions or 5ks, first handstand, first Double Unders… the list goes on. We take you from ordinary to superman and its exhilarating!

These accomplishments in the gym transfer to life and confidence and doing things you never thought possible. BUT… then year 2 and 3 hit and dang it I got injured, now I’m regressing and that new person just killed my best Fran time. I’m not eating as clean anymore because… well really who cares? I like nachos. Everyone seems to be having fun and where the heck are all my old buddies? Sooo, I’m not making progress, I’m no longer having fun and I feel like crap whenever I WOD (may have been that little Caesars I just ate). It’s just not the same. I only come to the box about twice a week now, but you better believe I’m going RX, I’m a veteran and everyone know I’ve been a member forever. But dang it, I keep getting injured! I’m going to QUIT, this sucks!

So heres my challenge… Complete the cycle. I know you came to CrossFit to change Your life, and do all the things listed above. But, to be truly Awesome at CrossFit despite the injuries, plateaus, set backs and generally bad days, YOU MUST GET OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF. To truly enjoy the ride and experience of CrossFit and Life, you must get pass yourself. When was the last time you helped someone else find their PR, or ran the last 400m meters with the new guy so he wouldn’t finish alone? When was the last time you showed someone how to roll out that nagging shoulder issue because, crazy, but thats the same injury you dealt with last year. When was the last time you gave a high five after a WOD or helped another exhausted athlete put up her weights? When was the last time you encouraged another to run their first 5k and offered to run along side, not for you to get a new PR but for them to?

You see all these little things that keep life amazing can be found in small day to day tasks, that you may never see if you are not paying attention. Joy is found in serving. Happiness comes in the satisfaction of touching another life in a positive way.

At the end of the day, theres nothing wrong with wanting to be a better athlete and continuing to make progress. But if its your only aspiration and you never see the new person next to you, scared to death because its day one, then you will never really complete the cycle of CrossFit. You will never experience fully what CrossFit can do for you. CrossFit changes people if you let it. CrossFit can take an ordinary person, turn them into extraordinary then show you how to do that for someone else. If you will work through the cycle, this will not only change your CrossFit experience, but can possibly change your life.

And THAT’S How to be Awesome at CrossFit!

Try This: Aveda Smooth Infusion

Aveda Smooth FusionI’m always appreciative when brands ask me to try out new products like Aveda Smooth Infusion. I’m excited to try this one out and will share my thoughts once I have used it for a while, so stay tuned.

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Dont settle - Live Fit and Sore


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