Month: September 2014

  • September 11: I Remember

    This was written by my husband last year on 9/11: I Remember… Whenever I see the numbers 9 and 11, I remember. Whenever I fly and go through airport security, I remember. Whenever I drive past the Pentagon, I remember. Whenever I see the New York City skyline, I remember. Whenever someone says “Let’s Roll”, I…

  • Ray Rice, The NFL and Misogyny

    I will admit fully that I am not a football fan. I’m not really into spending Sundays or Mondays watching the big game or going to any Super Bowl party for any reason related to actually watching the game. I had no idea who Ray Rice was up until recently. My husband told me he is…

  • Find Your Fall Motivation

    Some mornings are tougher than others and today was one of them! It’s Monday and I am tired. I keep forgetting to drink Natural Calm Magnesium and I can really tell the difference in my overall energy level.  I also think that the season change isn’t helping. Fall is coming and it’s that much harder to…

  • Boxing: Hit It Hard

    Great boxing class today with Connor Jessop! Great music, dancing in between rounds, lots of motivation and fun. What more could you want??

  • Joan Rivers: A True Pioneer

    Joan Rivers was a true pioneer and a very savvy business woman. Remember her hugely successful Jewelry Line before anyone else was doing that? RIP Joan.    Variety: Joan Rivers, Comedian and TV Host, Dies at 81

  • Making a Change: Leap And The Net Will Appear

    I have a close friend who decided to give notice at her job. She has been unhappy and has an idea for a business that has been stewing around in her head for a long time. She’s decided to go for it! She texted me yesterday how scared & excited she is – in her mind,…

  • Boxing: Getting In The Ring To Work On Technique

    It was only me and another guy for boxing this morning which meant that Coach Mike had us work in the ring instead of on the heavy bag. It is so much harder to spar with your instructor – so much harder! Not only do you have to be quick on your feet at all times,…

  • Win An Autographed One Direction: Looks Make Up Collection

    A few weeks ago, I took HB to her first concert – One Direction at Nationals Stadium. It was just as you would imagine it would be — lots of young girls, screaming, crying, singing along in their 1D schwag. There were a ton of Moms bopping along and Dads sitting in their seats wondering…

  • Labor Day Boxing Workout

    Workout Boxing

  • Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day Anyway?

    My friend Liz invited me to try a new CrossFit that opened nearby for a Saturday WOD this weekend. It was a partner workout with 3 rounds of 30 OHS, 40 Pull Ups and 50 V-Ups. I have not really done any lifting for months, so the gift of OHS was felt all day Sunday…