Building New Habits Takes Practice

A few friends have shared with me the news that two people at my previous job are leaving the company. These were not ‘friends’, heck you could even say, in some part, I believe my parting ways was due to the relationship I had with both of them. There are three sides to every story and I am sure they felt strong in the need to rid the team of my presence. Looking back – almost a year ago, officially, I realize that there was no way to patch up my history there and move forward. There was too much water under the bridge to allow me to sail smoothly on. I had to go in order for change to be ushered in there. It was good for me in so many ways and good for them in many ways. I get that now – but the way it happened is what really stung. And hearing that these two are leaving — and from the rumors — it wasn’t entirely up to them, gives me some satisfaction.  And as much as I have moved on and try to choose the high road, I am still hurt about the way it all went down. I hope that karma visits both of them many times over.

Now that I got that off my chest, I read an article about building new habits. The idea is each month (or longer if necessary), focus on something you want/need to work on. If it’s eating healthier, take 30 days and focus on it. If it’s managing stress, 30 days – practice different ways to lessen or manage it. Want to write more, focus on it.  I love this idea because it makes it seem less insurmountable and more snackable.  If 30 days seems too stressful, make it 14 days or start with a habit that is fairly easy to modify. Like with anything – new habits come with consistency and practice.

Here are some good resources:

Be Inspired

The Power of Habit is Great


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