Month: December 2014

  • Create Your Own Sunshine

    What is it about the holiday season that can make some people depressed? Could it be the darkness of winter that sets in or the reality of how fast time flies or memories of holidays past? Or maybe the combo of it all… I am feeling so blah – nothing really excites me lately including…

  • Rest in Peace Mathias

    Hours after I published my last post, I saw the post that crushed my heart… Team Mathias It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that our hearts shattered into a million pieces as of 5:00 pm , Sunday night. December 7th will be the date that our beautiful, handsome , strong, brave,…

  • I’m on Team Mathias

    A few weeks ago, I tried Zumba. According to Wikipedia, Zumba is an aerobic fitness program featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance and performed primarily to Latin American dance music. I went with a few of my boxing buddies and we had a blast. After the first class, I realized it…

  • Are You An Idea Person Who Can Actually Get Things Done?

    Have you ever been around someone who reads and researches a lot about an industry or the role they play at a company or about something they are passionate about, but they don’t seem to possess the skills to actually implement or act on those ideas? If you didn’t know better, you would be super impressed by their expansive knowledge,…

  • Life is Short: Forgive

    Thanksgiving went by so fast – if you stop and think about it, this whole year flew by. It is now December – a month full of joy and happiness but also stress and loneliness for a lot of people.  A facebook friend recently shared some perspective about life in general… Every time I help…