It should go without saying, but it’s more important than ever to look for ways to help each other out in our own neighborhoods and globally. Look for ways to lift each other up when possible -even if its simply a kind word and approach things with the best intentions. And, sometimes we need to remind ourselves that most people in our lives try to act with the best intentions even if they annoy us. And above all — BE KIND. Kindness Matters always.
Health Benefits of Kindness
Did you know there is scientific research that proves being kind and generous is actually good for your health? When you do something that makes you feel good, your body makes Oxytocin, which then releases nitric oxide which dilates your blood vessels and reduces your blood pressure!
Research has also shown a link between being kind and your body releasing dopamine, which helps with your mood and aids in giving you a sense of euphoria and eases anxiety.
Here’s some good info on Why Being Kind is Good for your Health to drive the point home even more…
On a related note, I do not share much related to religion here, however, this was a story and a lesson about kindness and support that should resonate with us all, especially now as we are seeing an increase in hate crimes and mean spirited politics…
“Let me tell you the secret of Judaism. When you warm other people’s hearts, you remain warm yourself. When you seek to support, encourage and inspire others; then you discover support, encouragement and inspiration in your own life as well. That, my friends, is “Judaism 101”.”
Read This
- Massive 10-Year Study Has Linked Diet Soda To Heart Attacks And Stroke
- The Mind-Boggling Bullshit of Health and Fitness
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- More than 1 billion people globally are living with high blood pressure
One response to “Kindness Benefits the Mind and Body”
I agree…when you help someone you begin to get a good sensation about it and those good feelings basically reduce stress. Stress reduction makes you feel good as it stimulates the release of endorphins. Helping others will not just help society but it will help ourselves as well.