What did you do today?

I have come to the end of another 4 week group training session. This one was good and challenging and I definitely felt that I improved over the course of the 4 weeks. Today was weight and body fat check. For the past 3 weeks, I have remained at the same weight and same body fat %. I am happy with that, although I want to lose 4 more lbs to get to my own personal “magic number”. I know all will be right with the world when I hit that # – world peace, no more hunger, total and complete happiness to all mankind – you get the idea.

One thought just occurred to me today after talking to my friend, Cheryl.  She said I am basically should be in  maintenance mode now. And all of the sudden, I kinda gasped internally. I have worked for this goal for so long now, what do I do once I reach it? In the back of my mind, maybe I am really mentally not there yet.  Who will I be once I reach the goal? I have always – seriously well before high school – seen myself as this clunky, non-athletic, dare I say, Fat person.  I am finding that it is definitely is harder to make that mental shift when that’s how you have been seeing the world for years and years.  I know I am no longer that person – so its not that I am in denial, but all i have been thinking about is getting down to a good, healthy weight and leading a healthy fit, life.  What do I do now?

Cheryl says  u need to jump ur ass up on the box …she’s right.

Here’s what group training had in store for me today:

Warmup and core:
Jump rope for 2 mins
Abs: side plank, leg raises, and ROBs, back extentions, and this one where you go into a pushup position and bring your knees to your elbows and then kick them out.
45 Push-ups

1 armed back row 35#
snatch 55#
hang knee rollups
lateral squats 45#

The PT station (30, 20, 10 reps for time)
one max box jump
35lb dumbbell squats

I am still grappling with the mental block on the larger box. I tried to visualize it all week and then really get inside my head, but just couldn’t pull it out. I will continue to focus on conquering this. I have never really experienced this type of thing since I started working out with Plumbline, so it’s really getting under my skin.

What did you do today?

One response to “What did you do today?”

  1. I did the same workout w/some slightly different weights! Felt good today…weight fluctuates weekly for me, but body fat % went down again, yay. And, JUMP ON THE BOX STEFFY! You can do it!