The Ninja Within…

I felt recovered enough to head in to my workout but I should have totally checked the WOD. It was running. Outside. In sub-freezing temps. I am not a fan of running to begin with and add in asthma and cold weather — can I just tell you how much joy I felt in my heart upon seeing a 400m run up on the board and 5 rounds of it. 2000ms!! But in life you have to be ready for anything and it’s no different in CrossFit. Constantly varied workouts makes for a well rounded athlete.   You are a ninja — and can handle anything that comes your way.

For all those athletes re-starting a fitness routine now that it’s a new year, stick with it. You are almost halfway into the month and it should be starting to feel like a routine! Make sure you take time to assess your routine and your progress and set some milestones where you acknowledge and reward yourself.  It’s not easy making a change and fitness can be a tough one to add in to your life — so pat yourself on the back and stick with it. The rewards are endless — but make sure you are doing something you enjoy, otherwise it’s harder to stick with and it’s hard enough!

Today’s workout was lots of squats and then running! The ones that challenge me the most are the ones that I tend to dread and the ones that I need to do!  


Broad Jump Burpees
Walking Lunges
Bear Crawl
Toe Touches
Whirly Birds
OH Squats
Pass thrus

Back Squats
Hollow Super Mans

20 Back Squats 95#
400m run

time: 22:11 

