Category: boxing

  • Boxing Workout Stats

    Workout Power Boxing 1 Hour

  • Stop Wasting Time On Things That Don’t Matter

    It’s Friday!! I had the weirdest dream last night and I think it was caused by reading about the horrific Malaysian airplane tragedy. I read an article about the crash site and witness accounts and my heart just dropped. Thinking about those people and the sheer fear and terror that must have overtaken them is…

  • Be Open To The Journey

    Yesterday, Iyanla Vanzant shared something on her Facebook page:that really enhanced the theme of change: There are times when we do not recognize that it is time for us to move forward. When life is ready for us to move and we resist, life will move us by any means necessary. What may feel like a disaster is…

  • Change Can Make Us Stronger

    I’m not sure really why, but for the last few weeks I have been really off focus on my nutrition. Eating a lot more dairy and usually snacking in the evening. Morning and afternoons – no problem but something about dinner and beyond has me acting very unlike myself. More carbs and just foods I…

  • Learning About Heart Rate Zones

    For the past month or so, I have been using a heart rate monitor to track some stats about the different workouts I am doing. I didn’t really understand much about how the five heart rate zones work and what they each meant, so I started doing some research: Heart Rate Zones: What Do They…

  • Running: A Skill That Can Alleviate Stress

    Lots of people are getting out there and running now that Summer is here. 19 Ways To Shave Down Your Race Time includes some good ideas and advice on improving your pace , including this infographic about foam rolling – which I am huge fan of! Hope you find some useful tid bits — I like that strength…

  • Aparigraha: What Are You Holding On To Today?

    My yoga instructor Tori continued the theme of Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness) in yesterday’s class. According to wiki, Aparigraha “is the concept of non-possessiveness or non-greediness. The term usually means to limit possessions to what is necessary or important, which changes with the time period.” I am getting a lot out of this theme personally. I have needed to de-clutter my house…

  • USA Soccer: Bringing Out Our National Spirit

    Yesterday’s soccer game was so thrilling and even though the USA team lost to Belgium, I am still in awe of how awesome our players are. I had no idea how awesome soccer players are in general –great athletes and amazing to look at too. That’s a great combination for sure. I love when world sports’…

  • Letting Go: Re-think, Re-imagine and Re-explore

    Today’s theme at yoga was Letting Go — and the need to continually rethink, reimagine, re-explore long held beliefs and ultimately let go of those that prevent us from moving on.  Why do we think we are not athletic? Why do we think we aren’t beautiful or worthy of love? Is there a moment in our pasts that helped define…

  • Run the Risk of Making People Mad

    Each morning I try to do some reflection and spend time reading through quotes or inspirational passages to start my day off positively. This quote from Iyanla Vanzant made me stop in my tracks and nod my head profusely… If you really want to live your life to the fullest and realize your greatest potential, you must…