Category: Cancer Related Information

  • Feb 4: World Cancer Day

    It’s Friday and it’s my birthday weekend. Hard to believe it’s February already and my birthday is here again.  And tomorrow it’s World Cancer Day — What a great way to kick off the weekend. World Cancer Day is this Saturday, 4 February 2012. It is the occassion to unite the world in the fight against the…

  • American Cancer Society Relay for Life

    It was another proud moment yesterday watching Hannah up on the stage sharing our family’s story. She worked hard to improve her presentation and it really showed. Remember, she’s only 9! It was a touching evening overall –the videos and the stories really touched my heart. I can relate to much of it and it’s…

  • Relay for Life: Hannah Hoaglund Shares Her Family’s Cancer Story

    Her speech ends around the 4:00m mark –and then she helps give Cancer Survivors in the audience special pins. Here is the link to the slideshow that accompanied her speech: Relay for Life: Hannah Hoaglund

  • Cancer Story Told in Pictures

    Very touching story told in pictures: Cancer – the battle we didn’t choose  

  • Are you doing what you love?

    This morning’s workout was the famous Lady of CrossFit – FRAN.  Mentally I was just not in the game this morning – I heard some very sad news yesterday that brought both Scott and I to tears and has thrown me for a loop this morning. Nate, who is in 2nd grade now, had the…

  • Don’t forget about the Cancer Caregivers

    You can’t forget to treat cancer as something that affects the entire family.  Caregivers are often the least cared for during treatment and are often  stressed and taxed more than any reasonable person can handle.  Offering support and resources to caregivers, their children, and of course the cancer patient is what’s needed – even after…

  • Resolution Follow Up: Get Moving

    It’s a great day isn’t it? It’s Friday, many of us have Monday off — the weather in Northern VA isn’t too shabby. Life is pretty good right now, right this second, day. What are you doing to kick off your day? It’s the 13th of January and for many of us, we vow to…

  • Join Team Live Fit and Sore! at the Scope it Out 5k 3.25.12

    As you know, my very own husband, Scott is a colon cancer survivor and this will be the 2nd year we are running the Chris4Life Scope it Out 5K – 3/25/12 in DC to honor his battle and help raise awareness for the many people battling this horrible disease. We would love for all of…

  • Chemo Brain May not be Due to Chemo

    Memory Problems More Common In Cancer Survivors, Regardless Of Chemo: Study NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Women treated for breast cancer with radiation with or without chemotherapy had more thinking and memory problems a few years after their treatment ended than women who’d never had cancer, in a new study. Research has suggested some women…

  • Fiber helps Cut Colon Cancer Risk

    I read this article yesterday and as you all know — I gave up whole wheat/gluten a while back and have never felt or looked better — so I am very skeptical about this report. I realize they also mentioned that in the study “didn’t find that getting extra fiber from vegetables or fruits was…