Category: Cancer Related Information

  • Chemo Brain Does Exist!

    Chemo brain does exist. Scott had evidence of this and continues to have some of it –although sometimes, just sometimes I think he’s trying to fool me…   Brain Scan Study Finds Evidence of ‘Chemo Brain’ Women who survive breast cancer after undergoing chemotherapy may also have to contend with impairments in attention, memory and…


    Have you checked out – a website that educates people about the benefits of asking for more personalized cancer treatment? When we first found out Scott had colon cancer –we had no idea what to do, where to go, who to talk to.  During the course of our treatment, I found out we were not…

  • Another young person with cancer.

    Ethan Zohn’s Cancer Returns I am thinking good thoughts for Ethan – another young person with cancer. “I don’t want fear or cancer to define me, but it’s always in the back of your mind,” the former Survivor winner tells PEOPLE in a new interview.  His fears were confirmed on Sept. 14, when doctors told him the…

  • The Young with Cancer

    Cancer’s most isolated patients For decades, the needs of adolescents and young adults with the disease have been slighted. That’s beginning to change. Physicians and researchers acknowledge that for decades, the needs of adolescents and young adults with cancer have been slighted. They frequently receive inconsistent treatment and follow-up care, and clinical trials and research…

  • Spreading the word about Cancer

    Hannah was asked to speak at a local American Cancer Society event this evening. She wrote her speech herself, with no help from us and while she was reading it — many of the people in the room were brought to tears. I was so proud of her and how poised she was and the…

  • Overhead Squats for your Core Workout

    The news of Steve Jobs hit hard. Not only are we a tech family – the hubby loves his MAC – we are also one of the many families who have dealt with cancer. Last night I thought about Steve Job’s family. How hard it must be for them. They didn’t lose an icon. They…

  • Goodbye to an amazing innovator: Steve Jobs

    Very sad to hear about Steve Jobs – no other way to say it — Cancer Sucks. Cancer doesn’t discriminate — you can be super rich, poor, male, female, short, tall, fat, thin, happy, sad, black, white, old, young — ‎”I’ve looked at myself in the mirror and asked, ‘If today were the last…

  • Men may need colon cancer screening earlier than women do

    Study: Men may need colon cancer screening earlier than women do Men may need to begin colon cancer screening earlier than women, new research suggests. The study found that men were far more likely to have potentially precancerous lesions (also called polyps or adenomas) in their colon — 24.9 percent of men compared to 14.8…

  • Star Wars & Cancer

  • Young Cancer Survivors

    Author Geralyn Lucas puts a fresh face on cancer survival There are way too many young people getting cancer— Sixteen years ago, Lucas received a breast cancer diagnosis. The 44-year-old author of “Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy” is among Gen X survivors helping to de-stigmatize the disease.