Category: Cancer Related Information

  • Learning from Cancer Survivors

    10 Things I Learned From People Who Survive Cancer When I interviewed women who had survived breast cancer for my art project The Woman Inside, I noticed that they all shared one remarkable thing in common. They had all faced down death and decided to live every day like it might be their last. And…

  • Cancer Patients use Nurse Navigators

    When a Doctor Isn’t Enough Nurse Navigators Help Patients Through Maze of Cancer-Treatment Decisions, Fears When Judith Nakamura tried to see a surgeon to follow up on her treatment for breast cancer recently, she was told it would be a two-month wait. Colleen Sullivan-Moore stepped in and got Ms. Nakamura an appointment the following week.…

  • I Had Cancer Community

    Great new community I Had Cancer in the news. Having been a caregiver, I can tell you finding a community easily that gets what you are going through is really important. You have all these questions and no one place to find the answers in most cases. It’s nice to talk to others who have…

  • Get the book: TWICE: How I Became a Cancer-Slaying Super Man Before I Turned 21…for FREE!

    A few weeks ago I wrote about Ben — who is a cancer survivor and wrote a book about his experience — and now — You can now own his e-book, TWICE: How I Became a Cancer-Slaying Super Man Before I Turned 21…for FREE! Just follow these simple steps: 1.  Click the following link to visit my…

  • Meet Ben – a Cancer Slaying Super Man

    We met Ben at the CurebyDesign event – amazing guy, strong and has really been through a lot — and he is the author of  TWICE: How I Became a Cancer-Slaying Super Man Before I Turned 21 about surviving cancer at 16 and 19 years old by creating the delusion that he was superhuman, becoming…

  • Year 3 – Let’s Call it Remission

    What a difference 3 years makes — It was three years ago this week, Scott went in for his colonoscopy and we heard the words Cancer.  I remember the moment exactly and your life really splits into life before and the life after Cancer.  It’s hard to believe that was three years ago already. Today, we…

  • Even if the cancer is gone, it’s never gone.

    A Limp, A Shaky Hand, A Missing Colon: Getting Used to a Post-Cancer Body A woman I know has grown frustrated that her husband hasn’t returned to full health since he completed his brutal treatment regime for nasal cancer. His port came out two months ago, so according to her, he should have recovered by…

  • Marriage helps Colon Cancer Survival Rate

    Marriage Improves Odds of Surviving Colon Cancer ScienceDaily (June 21, 2011) — A new study shows that being married boosts survival odds for both men and women with colon cancer at every stage of the disease. Married patients had a 14 percent lower risk of death according to researchers at Penn State’s College of Medicine and…

  • Cure by Design, DC

      Cure By Design, American Cancer Society Fundraiser in DC.

  • Cancer Sucks! Cure by Design Event tonite!

    Great WOD today compliments of Coach Nate at CrossFit Impavidus. My brother Jon is in town so I brought him a long as well. Warmupx2 Sampson Stretch 10 Pass thrus 10 Whirly Birds 10 Bendy Whirly Birds 10 Hollow Rocks 10 OHS Skill Rope Climb WOD w/Partner Mike K 800m run 100m tire flips move…