Category: Cancer Related Information

  • March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

    Because my family has been changed forever by colon cancer — I know how vital it is to find it early, so throughout the month of March, I will be talking about cancer, specifically colon cancer awareness. Early detection is the key! March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Screen My Colon! Colorectal cancer affects both…

  • Teens should be banned from tanning booths, doctors say

    CNN) — When Samantha Hessel heard about the risks associated with tanning beds, she ignored them. When her mom cautioned her not to tan so much, Hessel shrugged it off. Her friends and peers were doing the same thing. What was the harm of lying in a tanning bed three to four times a week?…

  • SCOPE IT OUT 5K: March 20 Wash, D.C.

    As many of you know, during the early part of the summer of 2008, my husband, Scotty was diagnosed with colon cancer and underwent surgery and a year of chemo. We are now thankfully 6m away from being ‘remission’ card holders and will kick colon cancer to the curb!  We did however lose a few…

  • Cancer Sucks

    The journey is the reward – Chinese Proverb Today I am trying an evening class at Crossfit Impavidus to mix things up a bit so I slept in and will head there for the 730p class. I haven’t spoken much about our cancer journey lately – not because it doesn’t continue to color everything we…

  • Today is World Cancer Day

    World Cancer Day My husband and our family continue our fight against colon cancer — 6 months away from being officially ‘in remission. In our minds and in the course of our daily lives, we have already beat this horrible disease, that does not mean it is ever far from our thoughts. It colors everything…

  • Today, World Cancer Day 2011, let’s stand for the end of cancer.

    1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will get cancer in their lifetimes.With statistics like that, every single one of us on this planet has a connection to cancer. World Cancer Day 2011 is the time to say that we’ve all had enough of this terrible disease. Today, World Cancer Day 2011, let’s…

  • Quick Tips for National Cancer Prevention Month

    February is National Cancer Prevention Month and while most everyone focuses on diet, exercise, and quitting smoking as the core ways to prevent cancer – they’re forgetting another pillar of prevention. Reducing exposure to carcinogens in our everyday environments.Hundreds of carcinogenic chemicals have been identified and, unfortunately, they’re quite common in our air, water, food,…

  • Always on my mind – Colon Cancer

  • Famous People With Colon Cancer

    Famous People With Colon Cancer. I was reading in a recent Parade Magazine about Ronald Reagan. I didn’t realize he had colon cancer, so I looked up some info on him and other ‘famous’ people who have fought colon cancer.  Sure slaps you right in the face how many wonderful, talented people cancer has taken…

  • Susan G. Komen Foundation Elbows Out Charities Over Use Of The Word ‘Cure’

    I am hoping this is a case of misreporting — I often tell people to make sure they know where their donation money is going. Every non-profit is required to publicly account for their money. We owe it to the cause and ourselves to ensure that our money is indeed going for its intended purpose…