Category: Cancer Related Information

  • J&J Unit to Develop Blood Test to Find Cancer Cells

    Detecting cancer cells isn’t always easy, especially when only a few tumor cells are mixed among many healthy ones. But Veridex, a Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) company, today announced a collaboration aimed at developing exactly such a blood test. With Massachusetts General Hospital and another J&J’s unit, Ortho Biotech Oncology Research & Development, Veridex will…

  • A tribute to her Mom: Elizabeth Edwards

    What a wonderful tribute to her mother — and you can also tell how Elizabeth Edwards was able to prepare her kids for her passing. She dealt with it being honest, sincere and straight forward. Watch this and you can hear in her daughter’s voice how much she loved her children and family — I…

  • Man finds extreme healing eating parasitic worms

    Man finds extreme healing eating parasitic worms – The reason I am including this article is not for the ick factor – it’s because what I find interesting is that things that are considered radical today were probably more common place long ago and may have some basis in truth.  Now don’t go out…

  • Aretha Franklin battling Pancreatic cancer

    Aretha Franklin ‘battling cancer’ Cancer does not know whether someone is famous or they are your average joe — Aretha Franklin has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, according to reports. Last month, the Queen of Soul canceled all public appearances due to an unspecified illness, and on 2 December underwent surgery in Detroit. The operation…

  • Breast Cancer claims Elizabeth Edwards, Age 61

    Elizabeth Edwards Dies at Age 61. Cancer takes away someone else too young… There are so many people battling each and every day against it –don’t forget that. “You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces – my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of…

  • Cancer Survivor Beauty And Support Day is Today!

    Cancer Survivor Beauty And Support Day Hats off to my husband/Cancer Survivor/Fighter/Hero – Scotty – 7 more months will bring it to 3 years since surgery and and we can call it REMISSION! And to everyone else out there who is battling and fighting everyday. Cancer sucks! Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day™ (CSBSD™) is…

  • WOD with Reflection

    As I was doing the run this morning, I thought how much this sucked. It was cold and I am so sore from 2 days of pull ups. But as much as it sucked, it was awesome too. Here I am getting to workout with a group of strong, funny, amazin women all working on…

  • Cancer Sucks.

    Sometimes you are going through life, all is good — you are living your life, building it from the point where you found out cancer had invited itself into your life and you hear some news that just brings it all back. It hits you like a sucker punch to your abdomen. I just heard…

  • How the food industry should act on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines

    How the food industry should act on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines. Reduce sodium intake, eat real portion sizes are some of the take-aways from this article. Sodium reduction, providing smaller portion sizes, and better portion labeling are key areas for food industry action in light of the upcoming Dietary Guidelines for Americans, according to the…

  • Too young for cancer?

    Too young for cancer?. Most people who follow me know that a few years ago, my ‘too young’ husband – 37 years old – was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. No family history – And just like Katherine below, his first attempts at getting it looked at were met with less severe diagnosis than…