Category: Cancer Related Information

  • Cancer is the world’s top economic killer

    Report: Cancer is the world’s costliest disease – Yahoo! News. It’s the first major effort to look at the economic cost in terms of global productivity. It was done with Livestrong, cancer survivor and cyclist Lance Armstrong’s foundation. Authors plan to publish it in a scientific journal and to present it Thursday at a meeting…

  • Preventing a Recurrence of Cancer

    I am committed to regularly including cancer related news, resources and information on Cancer is something that has profoundly affected my family recently and many people around the world are in active treatment or surviving. It is something that needs to be talked about openly and honestly and often.  As the first paragraph states:…

  • Colon Cancer Research and University of Arizona!

    Researcher Awarded $1.8M to Develop Colon Cancer Therapy | I’m an U of Arizona alum so I am always in support of Wildcats! Arizona Cancer Center is a well known cancer research center – Congrats to Emmanuelle J. Meuillet! The National Cancer Institute has awarded a five-year, $1.8 million grant to an Arizona Cancer…

  • Fructose helps pancreatic cancer cells to multiply, UCLA study finds

    WASHINGTON — Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate, U.S. researchers said Monday in a study that challenges the common wisdom that all sugars are the same. Tumor cells fed both glucose and fructose used the two sugars in two different ways, the team at the University of California Los Angeles found. They…

  • Remembering Alex

    Today was really not a super exciting day — got some cleaning, organizing done in the house – which is never really done. It’s discouraging too because I have these 2 little things called ‘my kids’ that love to undo a lot of what I do around the house… I did get some alone time…

  • A Tribute to Alexandra Scott – Alex’s Lemonade Stand

    Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation: A Tribute to Alexandra Scott. What an amazing little girl who battled so bravely — thinking of others while in the midst of her own illness. Her parents are amazing and strong and inspire me still. How amazing the impact she is still having on people around the world… This week…

  • Is there a place for humor in cancer?

    I saw this question on Livestrong‘s Facebook page and wanted to put it out there as food for thought: Is there a place for humor in a cancer experience? New comedy show airing soon on Showtime called “The Big C“. It’s about a woman with cancer and how it changes her perspective on life.

  • Take Them A Meal!

    What a great, great idea. I know this would have come in handy when Scott was sick. In December of 2007, a close friend of ours collapsed from the sudden onset of a heart condition. The phone rang day and night because family, friends and neighbors wanted to help by bringing meals to her husband…

  • Best Hospitals 2010-2011: the Honor Roll

    THE HONOR ROLL No. 1: Johns Hopkins Hospital Location: Baltimore, Md. Points: 30 Specialties: 15 No. 2: Mayo Clinic Location: Rochester, Minn. Points: 28 Specialties: 15 No. 3: Massachusetts General Hospital Location: Boston, Mass. Points: 27 Specialties: 15 No. 4: Cleveland Clinic Location: Cleveland, Ohio Points: 26 Specialties: 13 No. 5: Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical…

  • Prostate-Cancer Screening Saves Lives

    Swedish Trial Finds Prostate-Cancer Screening Saves Lives But the 20,000-man study, published online by The Lancet Oncology, found that for every prostate-cancer death prevented, 293 men were invited to participate in the screening program and 12 were diagnosed with the disease. That circles back to the conundrum surrounding PSA tests — given that there’s no…