Category: Cancer Related Information

  • Notable News

    Cavaliers: Cleveland Clinic, Cavs Team Up for Colon Cancer Awareness. CLEVELAND, OH – March 1, 2010 – Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Cavaliers will collaborate to promote awareness and prevention of colorectal cancer with the campaign, “Score Against Colon Cancer” throughout March as part of Colon Cancer Awareness Month. This is great. Would be greater…

  • March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!

    As so many of you know – my husband – Scotty, was diagnosed at age 37 with colon cancer and we are very blessed that his long term prognosis is favorable. 2 years later, we are happily rebuilding our lives after what proved to be a hard and intense journey. Colon cancer is the 2nd…

  • Experts: 40% of Cancers Are Preventable – TIME

    (LONDON) — About 40 percent of cancers could be prevented if people stopped smoking and overeating, limited their alcohol, exercised regularly and got vaccines targeting cancer-causing infections, experts say. According to the World Health Organization, cancer is responsible for one out of every eight deaths worldwide — more than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. WHO…

  • OMG! Cancer Summit for Young Adults (15-39 )

  • Stupid Cancer

    How awesome is it that the super cute and famous Zac Efron is lending his name & fame to this cause. My husband Scotty is one of these I’m Too Young For This fighters, having been diagnosed with colon cancer at age 37. I have been very vocal on my confusion and anger at how…

  • Target Cancer

    Here is another article in the NYT series Target Cancer. Target Cancer – A Drug Trial Cycle – Recovery, Relapse, Reinvention – Series – One of the many reasons I continue to highlight cancer news here in my blog is that I have found that once your family is in the club, you never…

  • Hope and change…

    Target Cancer – After Long Fight, Melanoma Drug Gives Sudden Reprieve A new kind of cancer therapy, it was tailored to a particular genetic mutation that was driving the disease, and after six years of disappointments his faith in the promise of such a “targeted” approach finally seemed borne out. The trial of PLX4032 offers…

  • Notable News

    The Return of the Ski Bum – Ahh, corporate layoffs help some people learn to just enjoy life. Skiing all day, every day – working jobs that they can indeed leave behind when their shift ends. Remember those days? As this article says: It’s the return of the American ski bum. Recent college graduates,…

  • Target Cancer – A Roller Coaster Chase for a Cure – Series

    Dozens of such “targeted” drugs are emerging from the laboratory, rooted in decades of research and backed by unprecedented investment by pharmaceutical companies, which stand to profit from drugs that prolong life even by weeks. But putting them to their truest test falls to a small band of doctors committed to running experimental drug trials…

  • Notable News

    NTIA: Almost a Third of U.S. Does Not Use Internet – 2010-02-16 15:19:17 | Broadcasting & Cable. This shows that elderly, minorities and the poor are lagging behind in using the Internet which is a shame because can you imagine how much help it could offer those groups?  Seniors can use it to connect with…