Category: Fitness/Exercise

  • Behold the View

    “Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.” ― David McCullough Jr. I’ve been thinking about how much simpler life was when I was a kid. We didn’t…

  • Personalized Diets Work Best

    It’s January, which means we are all being bombarded with lots of articles about how to get healthier, more fit, which diet works best etc… Keep in mind that new research suggests that there is no one diet approach that fits all.  A few months ago, Science Daily published  ‘Healthy’ foods differ by individual that highlighted that…

  • Girl Push Ups Are Not A Thing

    I have to get something off my chest – What is up with “Girl Push ups” aka GPUs?  First off, there is no such thing as a girl push-up (a push up but you are on your knees).  For those that automatically do these type of push ups without even attempting a standard push up –…

  • New Year: Time for a Healthy Reset

    We decided to adopt a puppy. We have been thinking about it for a while – and the kids are at an age where they can help at least a little with him. So, without further ado – Meet StormTrooper aka Trooper. He’s a 5 month old White German Shepherd and full of energy. He calms…

  • Wellness: No Room for Excuses

    I really didn’t want to get up and workout this morning. I had such a hard time falling asleep last night and when I did, it was after 1AM and I was restless. I am normally a solid sleeper so not sure why it was so tough.  When the alarm blared at 5:00AM I hit snooze – thankfully my internal…

  • When I eat like Crap, I feel like Crap

    I’ve been struggling with my food choices the past few weeks and it has reminded me that when you eat like shit, you feel like shit.  I’ve been so locked up in my head – not feeling my best – and it has translated to purposely not acknowledging what I am putting in my mouth.  I am dealing…

  • Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone in 2016

    Here we are in December, weeks away from the New Year and the beginning of winter. Colder weather, darker days, a lot of stress for some trying to survive the holiday season. For me, it can be the perfect recipe for losing motivation and momentum – if you let it.  I used to think that this time of…

  • Christmas Abbott: BadAss Body Diet

    This past month has been pretty stressful for me – and I’m not going to sugar coat it. My eating has gone to shit. The little excuses I have made have added up and now are full blown standard operating procedure and it’s not good.  It’s being triggered by stress and emotional stuff going on…

  • Time Flies: An Abrupt Wake Up Call

    I have had a series of recent light bulb experiences that have thrown me for a loop and served me a helping of reality… Ack! My Parents Are Getting Old I have 4 brothers and sisters and we have a half sister that is quite a bit younger. My Dad has been married to her mother since I…

  • Does the 21 Day Fix Work Long Term?

    I was talking to my sister this morning about all of these nutrition programs like Shakeology/21Day Fix/Beachbody I see threaded throughout my Facebook stream and the question that both of us kept asking was Are these programs sustainable long term? Here is some food for thought to consider… It’s not the healthiest way to gain control of…