Category: News to Note

  • Thanksgiving is coming: Are You Ready?

    It’s almost Thanksgiving – are you mentally preparing and creating a plan on how to approach this holiday? Some people find it super stressful – their eating focus is thrown off, or their family is visiting, or just the simple fact they are out of their routine.  Coming up with a plan on how you…

  • CrossFit: Knees in or Out?

    I’m not sure if I have already shared this blog post started by a well known Olympic Lifting coach Bob Takano about the practice of pushing your knees out when lifting.  It is an approach that gained popularity by Kelly Starrett of the awesome Mobility WOD site.  I am a huge fan of Kelly’s — no…

  • Your Mind is a Powerful Tool

    I am continually working on ways to quiet my mind. It’s true when people say that the mind quits long before the body does. So much of making progress and improving is all in your head. I know from personal experience, as soon as I let my mind focus on how uncomfortable, fearful, horrible –…

  • Are You Overtraining?

    Last week, someone asked me how do I stay motivated. They had just finished a marathon – they felt wiped out and have been losing inspiration and steam to get their butts in gear and get a workout in and wanted my advice. The advice I gave them? Take a break. That feeling they were experiencing…

  • Happy World Kindness Day!

    The reality of being told I wasn’t wanted is starting to set in. After seven years of caring – probably too deeply – about my job, they didn’t want me anymore. It’s funny what we focus on isn’t it? When I stop and think about the past seven years, it was clear that I had…

  • Down In the Dumps

    I’m having one of those days — down in the dumps. I went and worked out during a later class, thinking it may help boost my mood. It did for a brief amount of time, but only brief.   Recommended Reading Think Food Doesn’t Affect Behavior? You’ve Got to Read This. The Super List Of…

  • Don’t Settle For Less

    Someone asked me if I was still going to get up super early to workout while I am searching for a job –it’s not like I have to and there are later CrossFit classes. The answer is Yes, I am. I think sticking to some sort of normalcy while I am looking for my next…

  • Challenges Make Us Wiser And Stronger

    This morning was one of the toughest workouts mentally for me that I have had in a very long time. We were doing some upper body agility ladders and I COULD NOT DO THEM. It totally highlighted one of the areas that I seem to have a mental block – the connection between my upper…

  • Happy Halloween: Give Me Candy

    I’m all about health and fitness but I do think that there are certain days where you need to just need a bit of breathing room from all the rules. Halloween is one of those days for my kids. My friend Leah, who owns CrossFit Nation in Maryland, posted about a story about a woman…

  • My Passion Wakes Me Up

    Who ever invented the Renegade Row is not right in the head. A Renegade Row is a push-up performed on dumbbells or kettlebells, one of which is rowed after each push-up rep. Seems pretty solid right? Holy crap – it was in our WOD today and I used 20# dumbbells — thinking that may not even…