American Odyssey Relay Adventure
Where shall I start to recap my two + day American Odyssey Adventure? From the top… Thursday afternoon I got all ready to go –about five minutes before I was ready to head over to the gym to meet the gang, my iPhone that was in my back pocket fell in the toilet. Full on in —…
Think. Think. Think
I went to CrossFit Endurance last night – 3 runs of 1200 meters. You know what the trick to learning this new running form? THINKING. You can’t be distracted and constantly have to be going through the points of performance — are you leaning, is your turnover fast, are you on the balls of your…
Busy, Busy
It’s been a busy day — but I got my morning workout in. 10 sets of 2 split jerks — I focused on form rather than weight and got up to 115#. I’m cool with that. Hope you are having a great day. I’m off to do CrossFit Endurance before my big American Odyssey…
Gearing up for the Big Race
This is the week of my American Odyssey Race— I just reviewed my legs of the race and seems do-able. I ran 6 miles total on Saturday with some rests in between but I know I can do it with less rest –I may not be the fastest runner but I can push on! 11 which is…