Be Ready: Life Can Change At Any Minute
It was a stressful morning – Scotty had his regular colonoscopy scan which should be no big deal at this point. It’s a routine scan that he has to have every three years not only because he had colon cancer, but turns out he is a polyp maker. While we were in the pre-op room,…
Cancer: Life Goes On
The cancer is gone, but the cancer never goes away. I’d be lying if I didn’t say yesterday was an emotional day for me. Yes, I knew it would be but I guess I underestimated how much it would hit me. I was feeling all jittery on the way to the hospital – my stomach…
[VIDEO] Colonoscopy: It’s Not That Bad
With March being Colon Cancer Awareness month, StopColonCancerNow.com hopes this video will encourage people get over their fears and get screened. One test could save a life. Most people need to get their first colonoscopy at age 50. You may need to get screened earlier if you are 45 years of age or older and African…
Go get a colonoscopy
Why you need a colonoscopy. As a family who is just recovering from all the things that go along with colon cancer — I never forget to take the time to remind people to get a colonoscopy. If you are over 50, make sure you do but if you have any family history — then…
Can a colonoscopy be funny?
i’ve been busy today — I attended the Potomac Tech Wire Social Media Outlook 2011 event this morning and it threw my schedule all off. In honor of Colon Cancer Awareness Month: Bill Engvall – Colonoscopy