Tag: exercise

  • Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

    I’m like a broken record — I am S O R E from yesterday’s workout. So sore that today, I cut short my bargain basement elliptical workout this morning bc I was just too fatigued and sore. It’s great that I have been doing this boot camp program for over 2 years and can still…

  • Lawn work is a Work out!

    Lawn work is my workout. I don’t mind mowing and clearing/cleaning up the lawn. I find it very relaxing and it’s a great workout. In about an hour, I burn about 500 calories and I don’t have a humongous yard or anything. It does have a slight incline in the back so that always helps…

  • Adding a new level of Fun to Boot Camp!

    Yesterday morning I was running so late and rushing around to get out of the house to get to work but as I walked out to my car, I saw this big beautiful butterfly and had to stop to appreciate it. It had bright blue outline on the inside and orange on the outside and…

  • Exercise with an injured foot

    Mikey switched it up today and had us do Tuesday’s workout on a Monday. Imagine the horror!! He said he was trying to shake our bodies up –but between us, I think he forgot what day it was and set up for the Tuesday workout. We will never know! The pic to the left is…

  • Saturday Run on the trail

    My big sis Deb was out here visiting for the week. It’s been such a great week too. She got to spend one on one time with HB and my mom came down too. Although the heat got to her, she did manage to go out and see some sites too. It’s hard to live…

  • Deadlifts in today’s workout

    Last week I mentioned how I was buckling down and really re-focus on what I am eating. I lost 2lbs this past week — which was welcome news. I have been having a 150 calorie ice cream treat every night and I decided to cut that out 5x a week to see if it could…

  • Workout in the Heat and Humidity

    Hot, humid = Sweaty!  It looked like we all just took a shower to give you an idea of how sweaty we were at the end of the workout. For me, it felt like I was getting back to my old self — I found the heavier weight challenging but not too hard — and…

  • Workout Wednesday with a Modified Handstand Push-up

    Group training is on Weds. A group of 6 – heavier weights, more individual attention. Warmup 2min of jump rope Core x2 general stretching rocky tiers V-ups on the BOSU 6inches with BOSU on your legs (this one is hard!) 30 push-ups (tennis ball placed on the floor and each time your chest needs to…

  • Monday’s Workout is a wrap

    Most of the group is back from various trips, injuries and vacations! It’s always great to workout with the usual group – we just are all in synch. I feel much better after 3 days away from camp. I had more energy and strength. I am now a FIRM believer in rest and recovery. The…

  • Rest and Recovery

    Another rest day in motion. I can totally see how someone can get used to NOT getting up at the crack of dawn — I think this forced rest has done me good though. I am going to run tomorrow morning and have a running appointment with my pal – Kimmy – Saturday morning —…