Tag: fear

  • Stop Fearing Fear and Use It To Your Advantage

    I had no idea when I mentioned how my boxing place was closed for a death in their family, that would mean that they would close permanently but I got the notice a week or so ago that indeed they are closing their doors. I’m pretty bummed about it but can you imagine in the course of…

  • When one door closes, another opens…

    When one door closes, another opens…I keep forgetting how true this is — earlier this month, I left a situation that was bringing me down. I had no plan, no new job – and decided to approach the situation differently than I had previously with no fear. I recently read a post that talked about Fear –How…

  • What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

    I saw this posted question the other day and it made me pause. It’s an interesting question to ponder. Now that my daughter is entering her teen years and has started to experience all that goes with it, it has put me in a reflective mood. She has already begun dealing with friend drama, body image worries, and…

  • Fear and Moving Forward

    I have talked about Fear before — how it holds us back, how we get stuck in a Fear Loop and can’t seem to get out. This weekend I read something by Richard Branson – you know the guy who founded Virgin and all the sub-companies underneath brand.  He writes a lot of good stuff…

  • Don’t let fear define you

    I was looking around the gym this AM while we were doing some practicing on the rings and thought to myself –how freakin’ fun is this? We are playing like we were kids on a playground. How many of us adults can remember the last time we did something so carefree and challenging? I can…

  • The Enemy is Fear

    The Enemy is Fear, Not Hate A few weeks ago, I wrote about some of my thoughts that came out of talking with Tony Blauer and learning about being in a fear loop in certain situations. What I have started noticing is that there are so many facets of life where people get stuck because…