Happiness Starts With You
We all have the power to decide how we see situations in our life – it’s a choice. Do we want to be Eeyore or do we want to be Tigger? Your decision, your choice…
Does having children make you happy?
Does having children make you happy? Such an interesting discussion. I know lots of people with no kids who are happy, and those will kids who are happy. I guess it all depends on how you define Happy. Nearly one in five American women now ends her childbearing years without having a child, compared with…
Sisters Make People Happy
Recently I have really appreciated how great it is to have sisters. There really is nothing out there that can replace the bond, memories and the feeling of ‘home’ you get with a sister — Why Sisterly Chats Make People Happier Having a Sister Makes You Happier”: that was the headline on a recent article…