Building New Habits Takes Practice
A few friends have shared with me the news that two people at my previous job are leaving the company. These were not ‘friends’, heck you could even say, in some part, I believe my parting ways was due to the relationship I had with both of them. There are three sides to every story and I…
It’s time for an Education Revolution
I am the Community Program Manager for the country’s leading online education provider, K12, Inc. They provide online education options for grades K-12 in many states and internationally via public and private schools. Everyday I get to interact and meet the community of parents who choose this option for their families. It’s one of the…
Snaglearning is an Educational Tool
K12, Inc is an online education company that serves k-12 students. Working there lets me develop new ideas and products in an emerging market that really impacts actual families. And I am so lucky because I get to talk to the families and interact with them on a daily basis. Connecting with other parents who…