Tag: run

  • Crossfit Trail Race – July 18

    Here are my pals Cheryl and Lidia as we gear up for the xfit trail run that we did today. The info about the race said it was a 5 miler but those with garmins said it was more like 5.7 miles. I could tell while I was running it that it was more than…

  • The RARE CrossFit 5 Mile Trail Run

    RCX5TR – RARE CrossFit Blog. I’m nervous about this one. It’s my first race like this and what if I don’t have the strength to do it?  It’s on Sunday morning – bright and early! Wish me luck! The RARE CrossFit 5 Mile Trail Run (RCX5TR) has the same focus as all of the Fred…

  • It’s hot and humid!

    Let’s just say that today’s workout was not one of my favorites in that it was freakin’ hard. I think it seriously was one of the most challenging ones I have done in a very long time. Warmup side shuffle push-ups checkpoints skip jumps Core x2 partner ball toss 14lb dynamax ball hold and freeze…

  • How to Finish Your 5K Strong

    How to Finish Your 5K Strong | Active.com. I have a few races coming up and it’s always good to revisit some advice about completing races. Hope you find the info useful as well. I did skip my workout today – the horror! My throat is killing me and I made the decision to go…

  • Being kind to yourself

    A week off is great in so many ways for me. Although I can totally see how it’s easy to slide back into old routines with sleeping because I so didn’t want to get up this AM. I got up an hour later than normal and at first – talked myself out of doing any…

  • Incredible DC weather

    I woke up to incredible weather. Low 60’s, breezy – so I went for a 3 mile run on the trail. It really is a great way to start a day – you get some exercise and get to clear out some of the noise that is in your head. My mom is here visiting…

  • Great weekend

    Happy Sunday! I went to the gym yesterday because it was so hot outside – but I found it hard to get motivated because I felt like I was boxed in. Running on a treadmill doesn’t hold a candle to being outside. So I ran for a mile, then did this cyber arc for another…


    Yesterday was a crazy day. For a good part of it, we had no internet connection. The entire community was down apparently. It made me think – what did we all do before we had it? My kids were upset, I was getting ansy  – crazy! After the graduation stuff on Friday – we took…

  • Brother/Sister bonding

    This is my brother Jon. We took this pic right before we went on our run this morning. How great is it that when my brothers come to visit me – we bond over exercise? We went on the trail and ran for a bit over an hour. This heat is rough on West coast…

  • Running and relieving stress

    I have mentioned the past few weeks about my stress levels and how high they are right now.  Some say running is a great way to way to handle stress. Any exercise is really but here is some info on running and why it’s so good! Running is particularly great as a stress relief technique…