The How and Why I Continue On

I recently came across this post and I thought – yeah shes so right. And while I do not do actual ‘crossfit’ certified workouts — they are both based on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and I work out with the most incredible group of women – who come from so many different walks of lives, careers and have different personalities and challenges, body types and histories — and every day we support, rally, and cheer each other before, during and after the workout. We are part of a family and what she says below sums up perfectly my feelings and why I have been getting up at the O’dark thirty most mornings for the past 2+ years and why I push myself harder in those daily sessions than most people push them selves ever —

And the reality is – the workouts and exercise is great for the stress relief and of course health, and I love how strong I am getting  – but the real reason I continue on and get up so darn early is I love being with this group every day. We laugh all the time and it’s like hanging out with your BFFs and being able to be with them every day. I would miss them if I decided one day to just stop exercising and drop out. I know I would because some of the group have left, and come back because they miss the group.

I continue to do crossfit because

The look on the face of a woman who suddenly realizes they can do military style push ups is priceless.

I am not striving to be as strong as a man, I am striving to be strong as a woman.

I never want to find myself a victim of my ability.

Lifting heavy feels better than feeling skinny.

I want an ass. A real one, that sticks out.

…. I’ve spent countless days working out at the butt crack of dawn with women who teach me and help me strive to be a better person. Who could possibly leave that behind?

Thank you ladies.