Happy Transformation

photo by scott hoaglundThis week both Passover and Easter occur. While I am of the Jewish faith, although not very religious – Scott is Christian – and not very religious himself. We are choosing to raise our kids as Jews with a modern twist. Because when it comes down to it – we want them to believe in a higher power and have a spiritual connection to the world at large. I want them to be good, kind people who offer what they can to make the world and everyone in it better.  A friend told me that while organized religion is one choice for some — knowing you are part of a bigger universe and connected is another.  I agree.

I came across this article this week and I really connected with it –

The Secret Meaning of Passover

… the story of Exodus is the story of the process of transformation — how people develop and evolve their identity over time. Every single symbol in the story corresponds to stages in this process. For example, it shows both our desire for change and our resistance to it; it also shows how life forces us to change, and how if we don’t continually change and grow, we die.

Passover is the re-telling of the story of Exodus. How fitting is that for what I have been doing the past few years? Making changes and transforming — physically and spiritually.  At times, we all want change so badly, yet that ice cream or <insert snack food> calls our name. Or lack of motivation gets the best of us. We never know what life will challenge us with <health challenges, financial issues, personal dramas>, but if we don’t deal with the challenges and make adjustments – well, you never really know what could happen, good or bad.

Easter is the story of rebirth and renewing your faith. For me – rebirth into who I want to be. Each and every day I recommit and I renew my faith in the universe and my connection to the bigger picture.  I always say “things happen for a reason” and that is my way of acknowledging the connection that I have to a higher purpose and power.

photo by dgettinger

I have no idea what the future holds for me or my family – but I know that every day I renew my commitment and trust in whatever comes.