Feeling Great – How about you?

I woke up with a sinus headache but knew that if I went ahead and went to bootcamp, the chances it would disappear were high. Sure enough — no headache during boot camp.

Plumbline Training workout:
Warmup x 2
skip jumps

Core x 2
partner ball toss 14lb
partner situps
25 reverse high 5 pushups

65lb split jerks
100 jump rope
wall ball squats
200m run
25lb kettlebell swings

I was only able to make it to the 12 rep round before we ran out of time, but my friend Connie B and I did an extra 200m run just to get in a bit extra cardio.

After last month’s camp and the 45lb kettlebell swings we did – the 25lb swings felt almost like a feather but coming into that station after the 200m run -it wasn’t easy by any means. My back is feeling great – no spasms or anything! I am so grateful for a quick recovery. I am going for a follow up at the chiropractor today to see what if anything could have caused this issue — I don’t want to have this happen again obviously.

Anyways – off to start my day! Make it a goal of yours to do something active today – if you only have 5-10 minutes – try doing 10-20 push-ups using proper form. It’s a great exercise that really engages so many muscles!