Chilly Morning Surprises

It was again chilly this AM and we lost some soldiers in the camp because of it. The beginning and end of the outside boot camp seasons tend to be tough. It’s damn cold outside an at 530AM – it really is the last thing you want to deal with.

Plumbline Workout:

rockette kicks
backward lunges backwards
backwards jog

crunches (group did rocking knee roll ups)
6in flutters
placement sit ups
25 bottom up push ups

Finish entire workout as fast as you can: 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
SDHP (65lbs)
400m run
25lb db push press squats
65lbs backward row/bicep curls
box crossovers x2

The pic to the right is me March 2009. Nothing like looking back at who you were to keep you motivated to continue on becoming who you are meant to be!

I was doing pretty well this morning. The cold air was making it a bit hard to breathe but I was getting in a groove. I was finishing up the box crossovers on the 9th rep round. I finished went to step down, saw Kimmie running by, got distracted, and clipped my foot/ankle on the corner of the box and took a fall. I felt my ankle pull and being as dramatic as I could be- fell to the ground in pain. Remember, this athletic life is still new to me. I am not used to getting hurt, needing to really focus blah blah blah. I crawled around and dug deep to breathe in. Michael came by to help me up. Told me to walk around on it. It was the last thing I wanted to do but I did it. My ankle is not broken, thank God, but I bruised something in there. I have what looks to be a goose egg bump underneath my ankle. Looks like i have 2 ankles actually. I can walk on it – its when I move it around in a circle that I feel some pain. I think its a light sprain.

Walking around to loosen my foot got me thinking about the work I have done and I think that is what caused the tears that came. Last week it was my back, this week my foot. It is so easy to get hurt when you workout like I do. I fear that if that were to happen and render me incapacitated for a while, how easy it would be  to slide back into my old ways. How discouraged would I be to have to stop, rest and regain what I have worked so hard for. I Have Worked Hard to be where I am and I think it would mentally hard for me to have to rebuild. I hate to be so dramatic about it all – I am so not used to getting injured and 2 times in 2 weeks scares me.  One second of lost focus….


4 responses to “Chilly Morning Surprises”

  1. Great job!
    I got my 1st feel for a triathlon yesterday, finished in 1hr 23min and change. 1/4 mile swim, 13mile bike and a 5k run. I thought I woudl be really sore today, but luckily – I’m not!
    So, I went to Crossfit this morning hoping it wouldn’t be a killer workout and thank God, it wasn’t too bad (all things considered). I could def feel my body was tired, but I was able to get through the workout and I felt better once it was done!

  2. what?? the fall was my fault?? i’m devastated… i will wear cammo tomorrow so i dont distract you. you bounced right back. ankle sprains can be very painful. ice it tonight and go easy on it tomorrow… i would have given you a piggy back you know….

  3. It wasn’t your fault. It was my fault – you were just the impetus. You know I always keep my eye on where you are…

  4. see what happens when I’m not there! BE CAREFUL,no more injuries….I’m glad it was Kimmy and not me ! lol