Boot camp – as usual.

Plumbline Training workout:
Warmup x 2
skip jumps

Core x 2
partner ball toss 14lb
partner situps
25 reverse high 5 pushups

65lb split jerks  (since my foot is still bruised and sore, I modified this today and did push presses)
100 jump rope
wall ball squats
200m run
25lb kettlebell swings

I did finish today in about 33 mins with the modified station. My foot is sore but not horrible so I took it fairly easy today. My friend Shannon, who owns mentioned something yesterday that really resonated.  I am not training to be an Olympic athlete and there is no need to push myself beyond what is reasonable. There’s just no sense in injury or overtraining.  My boot camp friends have said this before to me but I guess hearing it from someone outside of my immediate realm really helped. She is right. Being in shape and healthy and fit is one thing – pushing yourself way too hard is another. I am going to work at being more present and aware of my limits without limiting myself. Know what I mean?

One response to “Boot camp – as usual.”

  1. Steffy yelled at me, so:
    Today was a non xfit day. I decided to get up and run for about 15 min, then jumped into the development’s gym, jumped on a bike for 5min, then ran again for 5, then jumped into the other gym to bike for 5, then ran for the last 7min or so. Then I did some stretching and ab work. I felt pretty good/strong and haven’t taken a day off since last Thursday. I will do xfit tomorrow and most likely swim on Thursday evening after work. I need to really sit down and figure out my game plan for my next triathlon bc it’s a little longer than the one I did on Sunday and I want to build off of what I achieved 🙂