Kiwi For Everyone!

Let’s talk Kiwi!  Did you know a study by the University of Oslo in Norway reveals that eating two to three kiwifruit a day has similar benefits to the daily dosage of aspirin recommended by physicians to improve heart health, without the side effects?

I was at lunch with a few friends this weekend and mentioned how Hannah loves to eat Kiwi and how I give it to her in her lunch and she uses this special spoon.  They all asked for more info about this spoon.  Here’s what I do:  I cut the kiwi in half and send it in a ziploc along with what I know now is a kiwi specific spoon called a Spife- It’s a small plastic spoon that is a spoon on one end and the other end is serrated so you can scoop and cut the kiwi as you eat it.   Hannah likes to scoop out the kiwi flesh from the skin.  I got the spoon a few years back from kiwi promotion at Wegmans and have not been able to find another one since.  Looking at this site: apparently they give them out at promotions. It really does the job well and it’s easy for kids to use.  I personally am not the biggest Kiwi fan but my kids love it.  It’s easy to pack in a lunch, fun for the kids to scoop and healthy. What’s not to love, right?

I found this great site called ZESPRI Kiwifruit that has recipes and 10 Reasons to go Kiwi:

  1. Vitamin C – One serving of kiwifruit has 240% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C! This flu-fighter also wards off the effects of aging and stress, and powers up the immune system.
  2. Fiber – Rough makes you smooth – two kiwifruit contain more fiber than a bowl of bran cereal. Fiber promotes
    a healthy heart, regular digestion, and helps lower cholesterol levels.
  3. Potassium – A serving of kiwifruit has more potassium than a banana. A great fit for active lifestyles, potassium
    maintains fluid and electrolyte balance and releases energy during exercise.
  4. Low Glycemic Index – Kiwifruit is an excellent addition to any weight-conscious diet as well as being diabetes friendly. With a low glycemic index (52), this low-fat, low-carb fruit makes a satisfying snack.
  5. Antioxidant – Kiwifruit is an antioxidant all-star! Antioxidants attack free radicals and harmful by-products in your body, reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke.
  6. Folate – Kiwifruit contains close to 10% of the recommended daily value of folate, vital for the health of mother and child during pregnancy, and for the prevention of birth defects.
  7. Magnesium – Two kiwifruit have a healthy 30 mg of magnesium, which powers up energy levels and improves nerve and muscle function.
  8. Lutein – This phytochemical found in kiwifruit helps to prevent age-related blindness and protect eyes against environmental stress and high-energy light.
  9. Zinc – Important for boys and men because it helps produce testosterone. Everyone else needs the zinc in kiwifruit for healthy hair, skin, teeth and nails.
  10. Vitamin E – Kiwifruit is one of the few low-fat sources of this potent cleanser and antioxidant. It also helps to lower cholesterol and boost the immune system.

So go ahead and add more Kiwi to your family’s nutrition routine and let me know how it goes!

One response to “Kiwi For Everyone!”

  1. […] the other day when I was talking about Kiwi and mentioned the special Kiwi spoon I had? Well I found the Kiwi company on Twitter the other day, […]