Hot, Hot, and more Hot

I’m sore from the lunges yesterday so I was grunting and groaning a lot today. Oh and did I mention it was hot! This will be a common theme summer long – Hot, Hot, and more Hot. I can’t imagine how it is for those that go in the afternoon camps. There is no shade and its black asphalt. That just adds an element of pain that I do not want to experience!

warmup x 2
side shuffle
skip jumps
general stretching

core x 2
partner leg raises
ball twists (16lb dynamax ball)
high five push-ups 25

5 min stations
boxjumps at 2 min mark: run to cone and back resume box jump and at 4 min: run resume box jump
25lb kettlebell swings
heavy jump rope at 2 min mark: 5 inchworms resume heavy rope at 4 min: inchworm resume heavy rope
run half mile/20lb db hang cleans
65lb SDHP at 2 min mark: 10 burpees resume SDHP at 4 min mark: 10 burpees resume SDHP

One response to “Hot, Hot, and more Hot”

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