Childhood Nutrition a Serious Issue in Schools

Childhood Nutrition a Serious Issue in Schools | Fresh Healthy Vending.

Childhood nutrition plays a very big role in a child’s well being physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. A child who is not properly nourished can have difficulties in focusing with his/her academic performance in school. His/her physical appearance especially those who are overweight can also lead to low self-esteem because they are most likely to be teased or bullied by other children. Children with low-self esteem often have a hard time interacting with other kids which greatly affects their social life.As more cases of obesity increase year by year, schools have been paying more attention to their student’s health. Most schools have been making a big makeover with the food they offer in their ala carte and school vending options. More fruits and vegetables are being offered and less of the fried and greasy foods. Sugared sodas have also been banned in schools. With the joint efforts of schools and the government, children are being educated with what healthy eating can do for them and how it can help them become healthier and better individuals.Aside from offering healthier food choices, schools are also encouraged to provide physical activities for their students. Most students don’t get daily physical education.

About eight percent of elementary schools, 6.4 percent of middle school and only 5.8 percent of high schools have daily physical education each school year. If the school increases physical education even just by having an hour per week, then children will learn more about their health and will know how to take care of their selves better.Parents believe that educating children about exercise and proper nutrition is very important. More physical education means less risk of childhood obesity. The amount of physical education recommended by the federal government per week is five hours.Another way to teach kids about food is by getting the kids involved with planting gardens in schools. Studies show that children who are involved with planting food have higher vegetable intake than children who do not have garden programs in their schools. Growing food also promotes environmental awareness to kids. This activity can be both beneficial for our children’s health and the environment’s health as well.